The CCRP HotKey for VB6 control allows a user to press a combination of keys and have the control display the chosen key combination, converting it to a KeyCode and Shift combination. The developer can specify what key-combinations (for example ctrl, ctrl+alt, alt+shift etc.) will be allowed.
This control is not intended to be used as an application or system hook mechanism to intercept Hotkeys pressed by the user during runtime of an application.
Instead, its purpose is to both provide visual feedback to the user for The Hotkey combination pressed, and to provide to the developer, in the form of properties, the keycode values returned from the users interaction with the control. This would be useful where the developer wanted to provide the means for a user-defined hotkey assignment during execution of a program, or where the developer wanted to Elicit a hotkey combination from the user for storage (via the registry) and subsequent reuse when the application was run again.
This is the same control used as the 'Shortcut Key' option in the properties dialog/shortcut tab of any file shortcut (.lnk file), providing visual-feedback of the user's hotkey selection. Once the keycodes have been returned from the control, it is then developer's responsibility to store the selected hotkey combination, and react to it in the form's KeyPress event.
The CCRP HotKey Control zip file contains the HotKey control, help file and demo project. The demo illustrates most of the functionality of the control, and how to store and reuse the user's selection.
The versioning policy detailed in CCRP Naming and Versioning Policy for VB5/VB6 Controls and Servers has been applied to this release of the animation control. Specifically, this control has been re-versioned to version 1.x in accordance with the policy.